job creation

The Many Faces of Dignified Jobholders

The Many Faces of Dignified Jobholders

A big part of Upaya’s mission is expanding the conversation about job quality to intentionally include jobs created for those living in extreme poverty in emerging markets. But even within that subgroup, there are important variations that we need to understand in order to measure impact.

Giving Money BACK to Donors

Giving Money BACK to Donors

Upaya has done something novel in the past few weeks – novel for us, at least – we’ve written checks to our donors… and it feels great. After 11 years of working on and fine-tuning our model, recoverable grant donors are getting funds returned to them because the investment that we made has returned capital to us. While this is good news for the donors, I believe that it is a critical inflection point not only for Upaya but as a bridge between the nonprofit sector and a more sustainable for-profit world. Let me explain what I mean.

This Mother’s Day We Wish for Dignified Jobs for All Mothers at Work

This Mother’s Day We Wish for Dignified Jobs for All Mothers at Work

This Mother’s Day, as two working mothers at Upaya, we reflected on what it would take to create dignified jobs for mothers from extremely poor households. Despite their hardships, these women have the strength and ability to address the difficult battle of being a worker, a woman, and a mother, but they can’t do it alone.

Answering The Question, ‘How Do You Help People Too Poor For Microloans?’ -

Kate Cochran Headshot .jpg

Devin Thorpe of Forbes asked our CEO, Kate Cochran, how Upaya helps people too poor for microloans. The answer? Stable, dignified jobs. Read the full article here!

Where are the Jobs? Findings and Insights from Upaya’s Accelerator Application Process

Where are the Jobs? Findings and Insights from Upaya’s Accelerator Application Process

What can the applications for Upaya’s accelerator program tell us about the early-stage companies that are creating jobs for people in extreme poverty? Upaya’s India Country Director, Amit Alex, takes a closer look at the pool of applicants to answer a pressing question in India today: Where are the jobs?