Since 2017, Upaya Social Ventures has been at the forefront of this work to empower early-stage entrepreneurs through its Dignified Jobs Accelerator, equipping them with tools and knowledge to become investment ready for impact investors. The accelerator builds on Upaya’s ongoing work to provide investment and support to entrepreneurs creating dignified jobs for people in extreme poverty.
The Dignified Jobs Collaborative: To make an impact, not just any job will do
The Many Faces of Dignified Jobholders
Patiently Coming Full Circle
Upaya Gives Thanks 2022
How we measure what matters: A framework for measuring job quality
Upaya’s impact measurement framework helps establish a common understanding across teams on the fund’s impact measurement approach. Our ambition is not just to strengthen our own impact performance but to generate insights and learnings for the ecosystem at large on the factors affecting job quality for the extremely poor.
How can technology innovations sustainably solve the global food challenge?
How digital connectivity opens doors for rural poor to lift themselves out of extreme poverty
How Our Accelerator Program Continues to Evolve to Best Serve Early-Stage Entrepreneurs
Giving Money BACK to Donors
Upaya has done something novel in the past few weeks – novel for us, at least – we’ve written checks to our donors… and it feels great. After 11 years of working on and fine-tuning our model, recoverable grant donors are getting funds returned to them because the investment that we made has returned capital to us. While this is good news for the donors, I believe that it is a critical inflection point not only for Upaya but as a bridge between the nonprofit sector and a more sustainable for-profit world. Let me explain what I mean.
This Mother’s Day We Wish for Dignified Jobs for All Mothers at Work
This Mother’s Day, as two working mothers at Upaya, we reflected on what it would take to create dignified jobs for mothers from extremely poor households. Despite their hardships, these women have the strength and ability to address the difficult battle of being a worker, a woman, and a mother, but they can’t do it alone.
How Resham Sutra is Weaving its Theory of Change to Empower Rural Artisans
How Dignified Jobs Build Resilience for the Extreme Poor
How can dignified jobs build resilience for the extreme poor who are more greatly impacted by climate change?
Companies like Resham Sutra are using solar-powered reeling and spinning machines to help silk producers. This not only reduces the drudgery of reeling but also grows their income through increased productivity and reduced costs.
Breaking the Bias for Women Entrepreneurs
“There hasn’t been a better time to be a woman entrepreneur”, said Ekta Jaju, Founder of ONganic in one of the conversations we had with her last year. This stuck with me. And it’s absolutely true, but I only partly agree.