We enable aspiring entrepreneurs to effect inspiring outcomes.


Upaya’s entrepreneurs are the backbone of our mission to create dignified jobs for the poorest of the poor. We work with early-stage social entrepreneurs who have the passion and ambition to end extreme poverty. We provide mentorship, consulting, and investment to help them grow their businesses and employ more people who are most in need of stable, dignified jobs.

About the Program

Upaya’s Accelerator Program is a hands-on leadership development experience for early-stage social entrepreneurs. Taking place over the course of four months, entrepreneurs will attend three immersive workshops designed to equip them with the knowledge and connections to grow their businesses. They will receive one-on-one consulting support from Upaya’s experienced team throughout the workshops and during a site visit to their business. The entrepreneurs will meet and network with industry experts, investors, and peer entrepreneurs.


The program is designed to focus on three key areas:


Program Benefits

Upaya’s accelerator program is provided free of cost to the eight to 12 entrepreneurs in each cohort. Benefits of the program include:

  • Access to Upaya funding | Upaya selects up to three enterprises for investment from each cohort, each receiving up to $50,000 in equity investment.

  • Access to Additional Investors | Participants have access to investors through pitch and networking opportunities.

  • Three Classroom Workshops | Workshops are focused on helping companies improve their business model and prepare for investment. Each workshop is centered around one of our key focus areas: finance, impact, and leadership.

  • Individualized Support | Upaya’s team provides one-on-one support, including field visits, regular check-ins, and the creation of a 100-day plan, to help companies refine their business plan, pitch deck, and financial model.

  • All Expenses Paid | The cost for travel and logistics for the program will be covered by Upaya Social Ventures.

2020 Selection Process

We will select eight to 12 companies for each Accelerator cohort following a two-step application process.



We invite all entrepreneurs who meet our selection criteria below to submit a first round application!


Entrepreneurs will be notified via email whether they are invited to submit a second round application.


Upaya will contact the entrepreneurs selected for the cohort.

Meet the 2020 Cohort!

Applications for our 2020 Accelerator Program are now closed. Please subscribe to our newsletter below or follow us on social media to learn about future programs and funding opportunities.

Selection Criteria

We select eight to 12 entrepreneurs for each cohort who lead for-profit businesses that are creating jobs for people living in extreme poverty. Upaya’s expertise is in working with early-stage social enterprises, many of which have not yet raised significant prior funding. We invite applications from companies that match the following criteria:



Enterprises must be legally incorporated as a for-profit business in India.



Enterprises must be less than 5 years old with revenue-generating customers.



Enterprises have raised no more than 50 Lakhs in funding but are looking to raise more funding within 6-8 months.



Companies that create jobs for those living in extreme poverty or significantly improve income levels by purchasing from them. More details below.



Upaya defines a job as a full-time or part-time engagement that helps a person work themselves out of extreme poverty. We look for companies that enable their employees to:

  • increase their daily food expenditure for their families,

  • earn a reliable income that enables them to save for future needs,

  • receive training to strengthen their skills,

  • purchase assets like motorcycle/bicycle or refrigerator.

We seek companies that:

  • directly employ the extreme poor as employees

  • provide income as suppliers

  • help develop skills for the poor to enable them to get better jobs

  • provide substantial increase of income through aggregation

Ecosystem Partners