Maitri Livelihood Services has been an Upaya partner since 2015. The domestic service placement and management company recruits, trains, and secures employment for women from disadvantaged Northeast communities.
Anant Learning is a private company that is working to ensure young people from poor communities have the training and access needed to secure stable employment with credible employers.
Delhi-based Justrojgar helps slum-dwellers in and around the city build skills and find dignified work as cleaners, cooks, doormen, and caretakers for local families and businesses.
Working in the slums around Bhagalpur in Bihar, Eco Kargha is a Tasar silk fabric production company that employs traditional weavers and embroiderers to produce modern silk products that will be sold by well-known retailers.
Samridhi was a community dairy operating in one of India's poorest states and is creating jobs for hundreds of families living on less than $1.25 a day. It was Upaya's first investment and ultimately created hundreds of jobs.