


Industry: Skilling
Delhi, NCR
Partner: November 2012 – March 2015
Jobs Created: 13


Delhi-based Justrojgar helps slum-dwellers in and around the city build skills and find dignified work as cleaners, cooks, doormen, and caretakers for local families and businesses. With weak enforcement of domestic labor laws in India, unsupported service workers like housekeepers and cooks are often paid inconsistently and well below the established minimum wage, receive no additional benefits for their work, and are commonly subject to abuse. At the same time, potential domestic employers struggle to find reliable help with adequate skills in the massive – and massively unorganized – labor market for this type of work.

Justrojgar sources, trains, places, and provides ongoing support to both employees and the family or business they are working for. Justrojgar recruits from several slums in-and-around Delhi, after which the prospective employee undergoes a 15-day skill-building workshop for a specific role. Each successful trainee is then placed with an employer as a housekeeper, janitor, porter, or cook based on a match of their individual preferences and available openings. Once placed, the company is able to guarantee that the employee receives a stable wage that will be paid on time, has help setting up a savings account, and will be enrolled in a health insurance program as part of his or her employment.
