Spudnik Farms


Spudnik Farms

Industry: Agriculture/Agribusiness
Bangalore, Karnataka
Website: www.spudnikfarms.com
Cohort: 2021


Spudnik Farms is a B2C agri-tech company that is building an alternative food system by restoring the lost connection between farmers, consumers and the environment through the concept of “family farmers”. Their goal is to create a better food-system that distributes profits equitably, guarantees fresh and chemical-free food for consumers, enhances food security, and protects natural resources.  

By working directly with farmers, Spudnik Farms helps them organize production, provides on-field technical support based on regenerative agricultural principles and manages a traceable, demand-linked integrated supply chain. Through this supply chain, they ensure the supply of fresh, chemical-free farm produce to consumers and aim to market value-added products made from unique region-specific produce under a single brand throughout India. 


About the Entrepreneur