Orora Global


Orora Global, Inc.

Industry: Clean Energy
Headquarters: Bangalore, Karnataka
Website: www.ororaglobal.com
Cohort: 2021


Orora Global is a social enterprise that builds truly sustainable communities using affordable renewable energy as a vehicle for innovation. Their programs are co-designed with the communities to bring more opportunities to women and youth. Clean technology provides a necessary platform to develop innovative solutions for education, healthcare, telecom, water, and more, impacting the triple bottom line sustainability. They have currently trained 30 women solar technicians to impact 250,000 lives in South India.


About the Entrepreneur

Orora Global’s Impact

The women who are trained and hired by Orora Global are able to be:

  • Debtfree. Training on financial planning and saving helped all our employees to be debt free or stopped them from taking further loans, giving them peace of mind that they had not experienced before.

    Bhuvaneswari, Orora Solar Engineer from Gunaseelam, says, ”I had to visit a pawn shop every time I had to pay my son’s school fee, and I was never sure if I could pay on time. Yesterday, I paid the fees with my salary. For the first time it was stress-free.“

  • Turned entrepreneurs. When uneducated women saw that they could learn physics and electronics, they developed a newfound confidence in doing new things! Many of Orora’s employees planned and set up small businesses.

    “I saved and bought a sewing machine so that me and my daughter can offer tailoring services and create additional income for the family. “ Karpagavalli, Orora Solar Engineer.

  • In better health. The savings from salary is helping the families get timely medical help during illness. Beyond that, the work environment has positively impacted on the mental well being of our employees. Women working at Orora have evolved as a support system for each other to deal with rough life that lacks opportunities or facilities. While at work, the women channel their energy constructively and the positive environment helps them to deal with their daily grind.

    “My son has hormonal issues and gets very violent. I lost my husband. The break from home and opportunity to learn is what keeps me sane.” shares one of Orora’s employees.