Laymen Agro Ventures

Laymen Agro Logo.png

Laymen Agro Ventures

Industry: Agriculture/Agribusiness
Headquarters: Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
Cohort: 2018
Partner Since: April 2019
Jobs Created: 196


Laymen Agro aims to bring village-fresh agro-products to urban citizens through an aggregation model that channels the lion’s share of the consumer’s price back to the rural economy. They turn rural youth into entrepreneurs (VillagePreneurs) to ensure better returns to the agro-outputs and supply agro-inputs at a wholesale price that doubles the net margin for the farmers.

The VillagePreneurs collect milk, fruits, and vegetables directly from farmers, take them to the nearby cities in less than 162 minutes and distribute them under Laymen Agro’s quality certification/brand. The farmers get up to 35% better returns on milk and 40% to 60% better returns on fruits and vegetables, which increases the farmers’ margins, resulting in a substantial jump in their disposable income.



about the entrepreneur

