5 Years -- Have We Made a Difference?

Five years. Over 4,000 jobs created. Nearly 200,000 lives changed. And solid evidence that these jobholders are making progress out of extreme poverty!

As we at Upaya wrap up 2016, and reflect on our fifth year of operation, it has been important for us to take an honest and concerted look at our results. For nearly every business we have invested in, we have tracked social metrics on a sample of their employees. Today, we are publishing those results.

Across a total 607 surveys, we tracked not only the increase in income that these jobs provided but also what else was happening in the lives of those we served. Are jobholders able to meet their most critical needs? Are they able to spend more on food, medicines, and their children's education? Are they able to make purchases that improve their quality of life, such as cookware, sturdy beds, fans, bicycles, and mobile phones?

It turns out the answer to all of the above is "yes." Our report finds that 78% of jobholders are now living above the extreme poverty line. Overall, we are seeing very positive trends and expect that as time passes we will observe bigger leaps as opposed to incremental improvements.

We hope you are as proud as we are as you thumb through this report, and see how your support has truly transformed the lives of thousands of women and men who are now finding joy, independence, purpose, and resilience through their work.