Upaya Social Ventures

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Manikstu Agro

Manikstu Agro

Industry: Agriculture
Kalahandi, Odisha
Website: www.manikstu.com
Cohort: 2019
Partner Since: January, 2020
Jobs Created: 859

Manikstu Agro aims to change the landscape of goat farming in Odisha. With a goal to create a large-scale, state-of-the-art goat farm, they hope to disseminate information of sustainable goat farming. By institutionalizing the sector and bringing in rural goat farmers, Manikstu will primarily focus on the overall improvement of the goat sector through the following factors: goat nutrition and improvement, health improvements and prevention of diseases, and the practices of breeding and genetics. By bringing social change into the region of Odisha via the workforce, Manikstu can work to establish this region as a food processing and animal husbandry corridor, attracting other farmers and thus creating more jobs for the rural poor.


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