Upaya Social Ventures

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Krishi Star

Krishi Star

Industry: Agriculture
Headquarters: Mumbai, Maharastra
Partner Since: August 2016
Jobs Created: 161

Krishi Star is a Mumbai-based company dedicated to increasing and stabilizing farmer incomes by building a food brand that focuses on value-added processing and market linkages.

Krishi’s vision is to end poverty for small farmers by establishing a brand that represents greater farmer ownership in the value chain and high quality products for consumers. Founded by Bryan Lee in 2014, the company currently works with small farmers and farmer-owned food processing units in Maharashtra and Gujarat.

It has so far developed a product portfolio including tomato puree, whole-peeled tomatoes, and sun-dried tomatoes while more products are in the pipeline. The company is selling its products in Mumbai and Pune to hotels, restaurants, and catering groups. By coordinating farmer-owned units under a unified brand, Krishi aims to grow per farmer income by 200%.