Upaya Social Ventures

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Khedut Samriddhi

Khedut Samriddhi

Industry: Agriculture/Agribusiness
Headquarters: Gandhinagar, Gujarat
Website: www.khedut-samriddhi.com
Cohort: 2021

Based in Tapi, Gujarat, Khedut Samriddhi (‘khedut’ is the Gujarati word for farmer, while ‘samriddhi’ translates to prosperity) partners with Adivasi farmers by forming village-level production units and focuses on enabling production and sale of vermicompost to farmers as well as urban kitchen gardeners. As the quality of the soil is deteriorating due to excessive use of chemical fertilizers, they realized that there is a need for affordable organic fertilizers. Khedut Samriddhi is a social enterprise that believes sustainability, profitability, and social impact can go hand in hand. The business has so far sold good quality vermicompost to over 150 farmers and over 50 kitchen gardeners while also providing direct and indirect employment to Adivasi farmers from its two village-level units.

About the EntrepreneurS

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