Upaya Social Ventures

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Industry: Textiles, Apparel and Handicrafts
Cohort: 2023

Karghewale incubates weaver-entrepreneurs by offering them a bouquet of services such as design and production training, cataloging digital market linkages, and business support services (yarn, MIS, compliance & accounting etc.). They are a one-stop solution for all textile and handicraft requirements for B2B clients.

Karghewale’s goal, in addition to building agency and ability of artisans, is to transition them from wage-weavers, earning ₹7,500 a month, to weaver-entrepreneurs earning upwards of ₹15,000 a month. Karghewale also provides market access, primarily serving the B2B segment, with some of the items also available for D2C customers on their website.

About the EntrepreneurS