Upaya Social Ventures

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Kabadiwalla Connect

Kabadiwalla Connect

Industry: Waste Management
Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Website: www.kabadiwallaconnect.in
Cohort: 2017

Kabadiwalla Connect uses the power of ICT to leverage existing informal waste management actors— kabadiwallas (local scrap dealers) and waste-pickers—to help deal with urban waste. Their services include mapping formal and informal waste infrastructure and Hyperlokal, a decentralized neighborhood waste collection service for Indian cities. By integrating often invisibilized workers with the formal waste management sector, Kabadiwalla Connect aims to reduce urban waste that is ending up in landfills and oceans while improving industry standards and compliance. 

Kabadiwalla Connect has won several international competitions, including the grand prize of the Global Shapers Community by the World Economic Forum. They were also one of the six winners of the LAUNCH Nordic Innovation Challenge. In 2017, Kabadiwalla Connect was one of the 10 projects of the World Bank-funded Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data.

About the Entrepreneur

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