Upaya Social Ventures

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Jovaki Agro Food India

Jovaki Agro Food India Pvt. Ltd.

Industry: Agribusiness
Udaipur, Rajasthan
Website: www.jovaki.com
Cohort: 2020

Jovaki Agro Food India Pvt. Ltd. is an Udaipur based company founded in 2017 in the tribal zone of the district. The company developed a value chain for underutilized forest fruits like Custard apple and Jamun to empower tribal women and increase their family income through employment generation as envisaged through post-harvest activity in tribal areas.

The Intervention involved the establishment of a fruit collection center in forest area through a self-help tribal women group developed by Jovaki. The pulp from the fruits are extracted and frozen. A standardized rejuvenation technology is used to enhance the productivity by increasing the shelf life of the frozen fruit pulp for a year, which is sold to clients.

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