Upaya Social Ventures

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BastaR se BazaaR tak

Industry: Agriculture
Lakhanpuri, Chhattisgarh
Cohort: 2020
Partner Since: 2020
Jobs Created: 40

Bastar se Bazaar Tak (meaning From Bastar to the Market) promotes custard apple and other forest produce, such as tamarind, jamun, amchoor, and herbal gulal. The Chhattisgarh- based company aims to provide additional income with employment opportunities to rural tribal forest-dwelling farmers through post-harvest management, value addition,and marketing of processed NTFP products.

The enterprise is trying to enhance livelihoods of local forest dwellers by reducing post-harvest losses and supplying high quality, unadulterated, processed forest produce to urban consumers at a fair price.


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About the Entrepreneurs

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